Freelance Tutor

Emmanuel A.

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About Emmanuel A.

I am an Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduate from University of Lagos. I have been teaching Mathematics and Physics since 2011 in various centers, secondary schools and institutions. I have been offering private tutoring in Python Programming Language for over 3 years now and my students all have amazing feedback with regards to my teaching methodology as they have all gone out beating expectations and breaking new grounds. I teach my students to be authority in these fields and allow them express their ingenuity effortlessly. Ultimately, any student will become very comfortable with the subject/skill I teach and will certainly be an expert afterwards. Any student of any category will be lucky to have me.

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Emmanuel A. has over classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N0. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On Emmanuel A.'s profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

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