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Software developer with 4 years experience. Teaching Programming, Desgin, HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP, React, Node and Laravel. Patient and focused on understanding.
Listing ID > 01533 • Home Tutoring • WEB DEVELOPMENT • posted 9 months ago
2 weeks Course. Pay per class. Get started with website development. For complete beginners and advanced students. Guaranteed understanding. Topics include Logic, Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP MORE INFORMATION
Victor Nkpubre has
over 1 classes or courses listed
on their profile at this time. The average class
or course fee is
N15,000. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update
that information here, so please check back from time to
time for updated information.
On Victor Nkpubre's profile, we
curate all classes or courses that are available for
registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some
may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based
while others can be on-demand video.
We are in a paid partnership with Victor Nkpubre. Click on "Book This Class" above to register for any of the classes directly and take advantage of our discounts and special offers. Our excellent team is on deck to guide you through the entire process and answer all your questions.
You can use in a variety of ways. To register for
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and educational goals.
I have known mr victor for a year and he’s good at what he does 3by ENIOLA on June 1, 2024He teaches very well and to ur level of understanding, he’s also Patience
I have known mr victor for a year and he’s good at what he does 3by ENIOLA on June 1, 2024He teaches very well and to ur level of understanding, he’s also Patience