Freelance Tutor

Opeoluwa Anifowose

 Ikeja Way, Lagos, Nigeria
 468 views  Rated 0/6 based on 0 reviews
Tutor Information

About Opeoluwa Anifowose

Having an extensive background in the financial trading since 2012, I initially started my career as a trader by trying almost every indicator base strategy on a very well-known website. Eventually, this led me to create my own profitable price-action trading system. Whilst it was consistent, I had to spend approx. 10-12 hours each day in front of my screen. As a result, I was trading a risk-to-reward ratio of 1:3. More recently I created the “Ultimate Price Structure System”. Which utilizes my very own management strategy. As a result, these strategies remove the discretion and subjectivity you may encounter in a lot of other service providers. Trading is my passion. My absolute love for it was one of the main reasons I founded Optimal Forex. Therefore this platform has given me the ability to share my knowledge, experience, and expertise to help build a community. Furthermore, it has also allowed me to provide you with the ability to become a consistently profitable trader.

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On Opeoluwa Anifowose's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

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