Freelance Tutor

Applied Web Tutors

 Micheal Okpara University, Umudike, Abia State.
 1.5k views  Rated 5.5/6 based on 2 reviews
Tutor Information

About Applied Web Tutors

Personalized tutorial classes including videos, examples, assessment, etc. Freedom to plan and fix your classes based on your schedule. Suitable for beginners and amateurs. Opportunity for free mentorship and guidance even after completing the program.

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Available classes (3)

Last updated on February 17, 2022, 6:11 am

Listing ID > 01343 • Online Class • BACKEND DEV • posted 2 years ago

[TUTORIAL ONLY] Full stack website development including backend development using Django, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Google Analytics and Python training. (Secret strategy on building any website of your...

Instructor: Elisha Emmanuel

Listing ID > 01342 • Online Class • BACKEND DEV • posted 2 years ago

[TUTORIAL ONLY] Backend website development using python (Django) (foundational knowledge on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and python included)

Instructor: Elisha Emmanuel

Listing ID > 01341 • Online Class • PYTHON • posted 2 years ago

[TUTORIAL ONLY] Python programming language from Beginner to Advanced

Instructor: Elisha Emmanuel

About 3 classes found.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applied Web Tutors has over 3 classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N193,333. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On Applied Web Tutors's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

This is a free listing and we are not associated with Applied Web Tutors. Click on "Make An Enquiry" or "Call To Book" to contact them directly and place your enquiries.

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Student reviews (2)

Rate this tutor according to how much you like the tutor .

Very experienced 6 by Daniel on February 17, 2022
He's very experienced, and i ended up hiring him for some of my personal projects. Highly recommend him for both his services and tutoring.
Professional Work. 5 by Victor on February 17, 2022
Quite impressed with his works. He's a professional and i highly recommend you work with.
View all 2 reviews