Freelance Tutor

John Francis

 Agbowo Express, Ibadan
 280 views  Rated 0/6 based on 0 reviews
Tutor Information

About John Francis

Crystal Tutors is owned and managed by Mr. John Francis. He graduated from the department of Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka where he obtained his Bachelors degree, he then went on to University of Ibadan where he obtained his Masters in Analytical chemistry. He is an authority in the field of chemistry and mathematics and over the years have schooled hundreds of students who are now some of the best brains in chemistry. At Crystal Tutors, we practice student based learning hence our slogan " we have taught only when the student have learnt". We tailor our teaching down to the individual needs of each student. We also engage each student in series of practical classes. We look forward to continuing the good work here and beyond as we anticipate working with you.

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John Francis has over classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N0. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On John Francis's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

We are in a paid partnership with John Francis. Click on "Book This Class" above to register for any of the classes directly and take advantage of our discounts and special offers. Our excellent team is on deck to guide you through the entire process and answer all your questions.

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