Training Center

Koos-End Languages Center

 Suite C2, Jodepal Plaza, 1st Avenue, Gwarimpa, Abuja Fct, Nigeria
 759 views  Rated 5/6 based on 2 reviews
Training Information

About Koos-End Languages Center

Koos-End Languages Center (KELC) is a language school that offer comprehensive classes geared towards helping students to develop the ability to understand, speak, read & write German language, Spanish and English.

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  • No class listed.

Perks & Amenities

Study Notes

Air-conditioned Classes

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One-on-one sessions

Map & Directions

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No classes listed yet.

When Koos-End Languages Center lists a new class, you'll see it here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Koos-End Languages Center has over classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N0. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On Koos-End Languages Center's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

We are in a paid partnership with Koos-End Languages Center. Click on "Book This Class" above to register for any of the classes directly and take advantage of our discounts and special offers. Our excellent team is on deck to guide you through the entire process and answer all your questions.

You can use in a variety of ways. To register for any of the programs listed here (extremely quick, easy and discounted), to get more information on the programs, to make an enquiry, to drop a review (if you have participated in the class, course or training program before), and to make informed decisions regarding your tutoring, training and educational goals.
Student reviews (2)

Rate this training according to how much you like the training .

Great Teaching for my son 5 by Aisha on July 25, 2023
I attended Spanish classes in this center and I can boldly say they are doing well.
Great Teaching for my son 5 by Aisha on July 25, 2023
I attended Spanish classes in this center and I can boldly say they are doing well.
View all 2 reviews