Training Center

Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School Lagos

 18, Fola Jinadu Cresent off Gbagada Expressway, Gbagada, Lagos
 2.5k views  Rated 0/6 based on 0 reviews
Training Information

About Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School Lagos

The Red Dish Group consists of 4 major tenets of business; the Culinary School, the RDC Kitchen Design, Culinary Services and the RDC Consultancy arm. The Culinary School is located in Lagos and Abuja and it is a place where individuals looking to create a career in the culinary hemisphere or who simply love to cook come to learn for a duration that ranges between 3 weeks to 1 year. RDC Kitchen Design - which is chaired by the CEO - is the arm that handles the designing, remodeling and creation of cooking spaces for personal and commercial use. RDC Culinary services consist of food trucks and large-scale catering. RDC Consultancy focuses on curating the adequate process to kickstart any food venture - restaurants, training of kitchen staff, recipe generation etc.

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Available Classes by type

  • Physical 3

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One-on-one sessions

Scholarship grants

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Available classes (3)

Last updated on January 13, 2022, 10:14 am

Listing ID > 01210 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[DESSERT CULINARY ARTS COURSE] We have designed this culinary art course to help students or business owners get better at their craft; This course is taught by the best professional patisserie chef i...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01209 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[AFRICAN CULINARY ARTS COURSE] Learn to cook a variety of African dishes from different parts of Africa. Different cooking techniques and blend of ingredients will be implemented during the class. You...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01208 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[CONTINENTAL CULINARY ARTS COURSE] Learn to cook a variety of dishes from different parts of the world. You will learn Italian, French, Caribbean, Chinese cuisines and many more! Also, you will learn...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

About 3 classes found.

Frequently Asked Questions

Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School Lagos has over 3 classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N216,667. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School Lagos's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

This is a free listing and we are not associated with Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School Lagos. Click on "Make An Enquiry" or "Call To Book" to contact them directly and place your enquiries.

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