Details of this Class

POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS Physical Class, Professional Certificate In Political Campaign Management, Full Course Fee
Listing ID > 01074 • POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS • posted 2 years ago

Class Type

Physical Class




3 months



Listing Type


[PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE IN POLITICAL CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT] [FULL COURSE FEE] Learn the nitty-gritty of how to help political candidates win elections. The Professional Certificate in Political Campaign Management is a hands-on, innovative and dynamic programme that focuses on the Strategic elements of Political Communication, Research and Intelligence Management, Campaign Strategies and Fundraising; we shall also be exploring essential elements of Logistics, Security and Protocol, Law and Compliance, Partnership, Negotiations and Representations. Graduates from the course will leave CIAPS with a very clear understanding of the essential features of developing and promoting campaigns and candidates in new sectors and locations. Are you interested in Politics? Do you want to be the Manager of a Political Campaign? Are you interested in knowing how Political Slogans are coined and propagated? Do you want to know more about Electoral Laws? Would you like to know how Politicians go from Aspirants to becoming Candidates and then Elected Officers? Are you interested in knowing how elections are won and lost? Are you interested in Referendums, Recalls and By-elections? Then you are interested in becoming a Political Campaign Manager.


Instructor: CIAPS

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