Physical Center

CMK Culinary School

 Excellent Centre, 39 Osolo Way, Ajao Estate, Isolo, Lagos
 6.8k views  Rated 0/6 based on 0 reviews
Center Information

About CMK Culinary School

CMK Institute is a professional Culinary School in Lagos. Learn Culinary arts from an award winning culinary institution. We teach every kind of culinary arts to people like you. We deliberately strive to be the best in culinary education, revitalizing the hospitality sector of the economy and creating an acute sense of awareness about the immense career opportunities Culinary Arts has to offer.

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Available Classes by type

  • Physical 17

Perks & Amenities

One-on-one sessions

Scholarship grants

Map & Directions

Available classes (17)

Last updated on May 10, 2022, 10:52 am

Listing ID > 01371 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Professional Bakery & Pastry Program] [MORNING CLASS] [9:00 am - 1:00 pm] Learning to bake is like learning to speak. You never get it all right immediately, but you have to keep learning. We have a ...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

Listing ID > 01370 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Diploma Patisserie Program] [MORNING CLASS] [9:00 am - 1:00 pm] Let's begin with a simple understanding of how to control heat. From cookies down to kneading dough products for basic bread to advance...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

Listing ID > 01369 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Nigeria Cookery Program] [EVENING CLASS] [1:00 pm - 4:30 pm] Millions of naira are spent daily to put Nigeria food on the map of the Culinary world, as such we take a huge interest in training on Nig...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

Listing ID > 01368 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Nigeria Cookery Program] [MORNING CLASS] [9:00 am - 1:00 pm] Millions of naira are spent daily to put Nigeria food on the map of the Culinary world, as such we take a huge interest in training on Nig...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

Listing ID > 01367 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Basic Cookery Program] [EVENING CLASS] [1:00 pm - 4:30 pm] Do you find it challenging to create something simple every time you're in the kitchen or maybe you wish to learn easy tricks on how you can...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

Listing ID > 01366 • Physical Class • CATERING • posted 2 years ago

[Basic Cookery Program] [MORNING CLASS] [9:00 am - 1:00 pm] Do you find it challenging to create something simple every time you're in the kitchen or maybe you wish to learn easy tricks on how you can...

Instructor: CMK Culinary

About 17 classes found.

Frequently Asked Questions

CMK Culinary School has over 17 classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N291,667. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On CMK Culinary School's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

This is a free listing and we are not associated with CMK Culinary School. Click on "Make An Enquiry" or "Call To Book" to contact them directly and place your enquiries.

You can use in a variety of ways. To register for any of the programs listed here (extremely quick, easy and discounted), to get more information on the programs, to make an enquiry, to drop a review (if you have participated in the class, course or training program before), and to make informed decisions regarding your tutoring, training and educational goals.
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