Training Center

Red Dish Chronicles Abuja

 Plot 990, Central Business District 900211, Abuja
 6.1k views  Rated 6/6 based on 3 reviews
Training Information

About Red Dish Chronicles Abuja

The Red Dish Group consists of 4 major tenets of business; the Culinary School, the RDC Kitchen Design, Culinary Services and the RDC Consultancy arm. The Culinary School is located in Lagos and Abuja and it is a place where individuals looking to create a career in the culinary hemisphere or who simply love to cook come to learn for a duration that ranges between 3 weeks to 1 year. RDC Kitchen Design - which is chaired by the CEO - is the arm that handles the designing, remodeling and creation of cooking spaces for personal and commercial use. RDC Culinary services consist of food trucks and large-scale catering. RDC Consultancy focuses on curating the adequate process to kickstart any food venture - restaurants, training of kitchen staff, recipe generation etc.

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Available Classes by type

  • Physical 13

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One-on-one sessions

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Available classes (13)

Last updated on January 13, 2022, 9:59 am

Listing ID > 01201 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[PROFESSIONAL CHEFS DIPLOMA - CUISINE] This intensive 6 months training focuses on cuisines and oriental dishes. You will be learning a combination of skills from across the globe with focus geared...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01200 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[CAKE BAKING/DECORATIONS COURSE] Learn to bake and decorate cakes using techniques used by industry experts. Weekday Classes – Mondays to Thursdays – 3 Weeks ( 10am ) Tuition Fee: N200,000 + N10,0...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01199 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[FRENCH PASTRY CULINARY ARTS COURSE] Pastry making has to be one of the most beautiful for of art. Learn an array of French Pastries with this amazing course.? Weekday Classes – Mondays to Thursdays –...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01198 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[ARTISAN BREAD/BOULANGERIE COURSE]Bread Making is indeed a skill and this class aims to help you build and develop such skills. A variety of bread types is taught throughout this course. Weekday Class...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01197 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[DESSERT CULINARY ARTS COURSE] The course teaches a selection of desserts. Equipping you with the skills and techniques required to make several desserts flawlessly. Weekday Classes – Mondays to Thurs...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

Listing ID > 01196 • Physical Class • CULINARY ARTS • posted 3 years ago

[AFRICAN CULINARY ARTS COURSE] We are taking African food to the next level. Learn to make your favorite African food Gourmet style. Its no longer good enough to cook the same ol food day in day out. ...

Instructor: Red Dish Group

About 13 classes found.

Frequently Asked Questions

Red Dish Chronicles Abuja has over 13 classes or courses listed on their profile at this time. The average class or course fee is N266,667. Fees change all the time and we do our best to update that information here, so please check back from time to time for updated information.

On Red Dish Chronicles Abuja's profile, we curate all classes or courses that are available for registration. Some of them may be physical (in-person), some may be online, some may be one-on-one private-tutor-based while others can be on-demand video.

This is a free listing and we are not associated with Red Dish Chronicles Abuja. Click on "Make An Enquiry" or "Call To Book" to contact them directly and place your enquiries.

You can use in a variety of ways. To register for any of the programs listed here (extremely quick, easy and discounted), to get more information on the programs, to make an enquiry, to drop a review (if you have participated in the class, course or training program before), and to make informed decisions regarding your tutoring, training and educational goals.
Student reviews (3)

Rate this training according to how much you like the training .

Extremely worthwhile 6 by Chef Fero on January 13, 2022
Kicking off my passion for cooking in 2016 with the experience with RDC instructors and Chef Stone was not an easy journey. Being away from home over a year now has shown me it was indeed worthwhile.
Eye opening 6 by Chef Reze on January 13, 2022
In 2015, I took the bold step to get culinary studies at Red Dish Chronicles, Lagos. This opened myeyes, mind and world to this side of life and officially welcomed me to this beautiful part of the world. My total respect goes to Chef Stone whose passion for the culinary world influenced me so much and is a daily reminder of where I need to be and what I need to do.
Amazing... 6 by Chef on January 13, 2022
My experience with Red Dish has been amazing, there were so many things i thought i knew but i really didn't. I like how we're not just learning about food, we're learning about the science behind food.
View all 3 reviews